Shisha Safety Guide
As we continue with the Government’s COVID-19 Roadmap, we remain committed to making sure we do our upmost to keep our valuable people and guests safe at all times.
With this in mind, this information has been updated as a guide to working practices for our Shisha Bar.
We don’t have perfect answers, but we are guided by our Core Values and a commitment to “do the right thing”
It is important that the guidance within this memo is followed, regardless of COVID status e.g. having received the vaccine, been tested positive for COVID-19 in the past or recently been tested negative.
Mandate super hygiene practices across the board
Handwashing should take place on arrival to the Shisha Bar. We should then ensure all team members are washing their hands at frequent intervals; a minimum of every 30 minutes with soap and hot water and for at least 20 seconds.
Signage should be available to reiterate the importance of thorough, frequent handwashing.
Hand sanitiser should remain available at all entrances and exits, it should be checked regularly and topped up when needed.
Frequent sanitising of all shared surfaces / touch points including; door handles and tills at least every 3O minutes. All condiments to be sanitised after every table visit.
We will continue with our enhanced cleaning practices.
Surfaces and objects should be cleaned between each customer use, for example; tables, card machines, chairs, high chairs and use single use menus.
Physical contact should be discouraged – remember there will still be people who do not feel comfortable with any form of physical contact.
Making guests feel safe…
QR codes will be maintained at the Shisha Bar counter for guests.
We ask that any guest visiting our Shisha Bar, refrains from doing so if they are experiencing any symptoms related to COVID-19.
Guests should be encouraged to make use of the hand sanitiser stations that are available throughout the entrances and washroom areas.
Cashless – We will continue to operate cashless as much as possible. All PDQ machines are contactless and ApplePay ready to reduce the need for cash transactions.
We confirm we have complied with the government’s latest guidance on managing the on-going risk of COVID-19 and will continue to do so as further guidance is issued.